scars mean you survived

“…I ask you right here please to agree with me that a scar is never ugly. That is what the scar makers want us to think. But you and I, we must make an agreement to defy them. We must see all scars as beauty. Okay? This will be our secret. Because take it from me, a scar does not form on the dying. A scar means, I survived.” —Chris Cleave from “Little Bee.”

I understand that this passage contextually comes from a different place than what I am about to write, however, the message is the same and it’s time we all claim our scars and beauty and let them shine. Whatever the wound, you survived. Whoever gave it to you doesn’t deserve space in your head or heart and no longer takes up residence there. If you are the one who gave it to you, know that you are not alone and no longer need to inflict pain on yourself anymore.

My friend and coach read this passage tonight during our weekly group and I filled up with tears almost immediately. There are so many layers we could unpack in these few sentences, but the one that got me was where one girl is telling the other, “we must see all scars as beauty. Okay?” It’s like she is saying, “We are in this together and this is the plan. Got it?” Her alignment and knowledge that they would be more powerful together struck me with such beauty and awe. We usually hide our scars, but this sweet girl knew the power of letting them be seen and claiming their beauty before anyone else could say different.

Ladies, we are more powerful together. We are better as a tribe. When the tide rises, all the boats are lifted. When one of us knows better and then does better, we are all better for it. The alignment is vulnerability. It is showing up and allowing your scars to be seen. We don’t need to hide them. Or pretend they aren’t there or that you weren’t impacted by them. No, when we show up and allow all the parts of us to be seen, it becomes our super power. Okay? When we see all scars as beauty, we form a bond, okay? And that bond allows us to continue to show up over and over and over again.

We are brave, okay?

We are survivors, learning how to thrive, okay?

We got this. Okay?


astrology as psychology….let’s unpack that.


the unsuccess coach part 2: Don’t suck dick