astrology as psychology….let’s unpack that.

What do I mean when I say “astrology can be used as a form of psychology”? In short, it’s like any other tool that helps you dig deeper into your personality, patterns of behavior, or areas you’d like to improve. And its really no different than looking at the weather forecast so you know that you’ll be your best on a chilly day if you dress in layers. It doesn’t guarantee anything, but knowledge is power and we could all use a little empowerment when we might not be feeling our best. Like any bit of information, how we use it is what matters most. The expression of said information is found in us energetically. Example: something I was looking forward to got cancelled. High side expression of this reality is that I can choose the next best option and enjoy that as much as I can. Low side expression of this reality is that I can mope around and bum others out with how sad I am. I get to choose how I express my energy given any life circumstance. Connecting this to astrology is very similar. I know that I have strong Aquarius, Virgo, and Cancer energy in my natal chart. When the full moon is in Cancer, I might decide to not schedule a lot around that time and make sure I get lots of rest and protect my self-care. I can make the connection that my emotional energy runs high when the moon (which represents our emotional side) is in Cancer (which represents feelings and sensitivities).

I had a wonderful conversation with a young man last week where he shared that he didn’t believe in astrology. I giggled inside for a sec, but then asked him if he knew to pay attention to high tide and low tide warnings if he was planning to swim in the ocean. He nodded yes. I reminded him that the moon dictates the tide, and that, my friend is astrology. He smiled and admitted that maybe he had more to learn before he declared he didn’t believe in something.

It’s fine if you don’t “believe” in astrology. You still are impacted by it. Kinda like gravity. My “belief” in it doesn’t change it’s existence. I still benefit from it either way.



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