“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” —Carl Jung

Let’s tap into all the tools to gain a deeper understanding of who you are and what are you are here to do.

Because you were never meant to play small.

Have you tried talk therapy and it only got you so far?

Have you tried energy healing, but left feeling like you wanted to know more?

If you’ve tried different modalities to help you break free from past events, current barriers, depression, anxiety, relationship struggles, etc, the combination of Reiki and talk therapy with a clinician might be the next step in your journey towards your highest self. I also throw in a little astrology, Human Design, and card reading to bring in your spirit guides and boost your overall growth.

A note about astrology and Human Design:

I believe that there is great insight we can get from the sun, moon, planets, and stars. The moon controls the ocean’s tides, so I know it has impact on me. When I use astrology as a form of psychology, I begin to explore the high and low side expressions of my personality. As an Aquarius sun, Cancer moon, and Virgo rising, there are so many constellations (pun intended:)) of how my traits interact and work together or work in friction with one another. Understanding these parts of ourselves is like taking a Myers Briggs personality test. The insight gives direction, understanding and clarity. We begin to make sense of the deeper parts of us that we might have just said, “oh well, that’s just how I am” but now we can see a fuller picture and explore the high side expression of the same personality trait. You won’t get lucky numbers for the lottery, but what you do get is more valuable in my opinion: insight. I truly believe what Carl Jung said: “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

In Human Design, I’m a 5/2 Generator with emotional authority. When I’m living in my strategy and authority, life seems easier. I am in flow more frequently. My goal is to help you attain that easy flow and peaceful existence that eludes many of us. I’ve gotten confirmation that my greatest teachers are my past experiences and there is great purpose in any pain that I endure. That alone has changed the way I look at pain and suffering within the human condition and my role in it all. And it makes so much sense when I look back over my life and see what has shaped me. Low side expression would be to go into victim mode and wonder, “Why me?” High side expression is to embrace the hard because I now know that it leads to something beautiful: healing for myself and others.

Let’s explore these different areas of you. Let’s shine a light on what has always been there, but this time, you will leave with a much deeper understanding of yourself.

Click a pic below to take you to my shop for a pre-recorded reading or to my calendar to schedule a live reading. Once you’ve submitted payment for a live reading, I will send you a zoom link for our appointment. For all individualized recorded readings, I usually respond with your reading within 48 hours unless otherwise noted.