Be inspired. Be in awe.

An Inspired Life-”You have a right to experiment with your life. You will make mistakes. And they are right, too.” -Anais Nin

When was the last time you were inspired? Truly, down to your core, so in awe of something that it took root inside of you and changed you on a molecular level, never to be the same from that point forward. Maybe an unplanned stumbling onto something that took your breath away. Or an intentional seeking or pursuit of something more.

Inspiration doesn’t have to be earth shattering; sometimes the most inspiring moments are the subtle ones that chisel away at the stone that represents our hardened preconceived notions and foundational “truths” that we’ve safely stood on despite it not having been questioned or being created by someone else. That rock solid place that once felt so safe and secure slowly shifts; subtle changes are made over time. Like the wind or water that consistently changes and erodes the earth over time. The subtle inspiration can enter in if we quiet our minds, if we create space for it. “When the mind settles into stillness, we learn our true nature…which is unbounded.”-Patanjali. It is when we look back that we have perspective.

Why not create a life where you are overcome in the most magical ways possible by thoughts, stories, people, and ideas, that catapult you into a different way of looking at and interacting with life? What if? And maybe more importantly, why not?

A synonym for inspired is spark. And I just got my copy of Jonathan Fields’ book Sparked. I can’t wait to share more with you!


There is no there there

