Fish don’t climb trees.

If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a million times, life is just so much easier when you are being your authentic self. And it is fair to share that I am writing this at age 38 and I need the reminder almost daily.

Take fish for example. I’m not sure about any of this as I’ve never conversed with a fish, but I feel my assumptions are pretty safe. Fish don’t compare themselves to tigers or monkeys or anything else, for that matter. They are perfectly content swimming around, doing fishy things.

If you put said fish next to a tree and asked her to climb said tree, what would happen? If she could understand you, she’d struggle with what you were asking her to do. “That seems hard.” Or “Is this guy crazy? Can’t he see I’m a fish?” We would look to the person making the odd request and wonder about him, not the fish.

We wouldn’t judge the fish for not being able to climb a tree. That isn’t what fish do.

We wouldn’t call the fish a failure. We wouldn’t think to ourselves that she isn’t trying very hard.

And yet, we do this every day with ourselves and others. Sometimes innocently enough, other times as blatant as the whacko who just asked a fish to climb a tree.

Judging ourselves for not doing things we aren’t meant to do creates confusion in the heart and toxicity in our souls. Attempting to do the things we aren’t meant to do keeps us lost and often in pain from the judgement (from self or others) or the perceived failure. An undoubted waste of time and energy.

Please don’t interpret this as permission to not try hard things. This is not the same as saying that fish can’t swim long distances, so they shouldn’t try. We can all do hard things. The biggest difference and likely a game changer for most of us is to know what we are meant to do vs. what becomes a distraction or worse, a soul crusher.

How do you know what you are meant to do? How can you tell what is a tree in your life? We come into alignment. This can happen in many ways. Sometimes it is purely hindsight that gives us clarity. Other times we seek outside assistance to give us guidance and important reminders. It isn’t always as clear as fish and trees, but it can be, if and when you are aligned with your highest calling and a purpose filled life, it can be crystal clear and flow as easily as a fish swimming with the current.

If you are struggling with finding clarity, direction, and the things that make your heart go pitter patter, schedule a free 15 minute consult with me. My life’s work is helping people break free from the expectations of others in order to create a wildly joy-filled life.


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Reiki - Level One