cel-e-brate good times, come on!

Celebration is something that often eludes many of us.

We will use excuses like, “it’s supposed to be special” or “I’ll celebrate when X happens.” Or quite frankly, it doesn’t even cross our minds to celebrate something unless someone else mentions it. Why is this? I ask my clients all the time, “how will you celebrate X?” X is usually making a breakthrough or feeling proud of themselves for something they’ve been working on. They usually look inquisitively at me and wonder out loud, “Celebrate? I don’t even know…”

Some might argue that if you celebrate too often, it takes away from the special-ness of the celebration. “Every day can’t be a celebration”…or can it?

I’d like to argue that when we limit our celebrations in life, when we downplay the good, we turn off the valve that allows the good to flow our way. Law of attraction or manifestation principles support this. Where our mind goes, energy flows. If we think “all the good is here right now and more is always coming our way”, it generally does. If something isn’t worthy to be celebrated, then it must not be that good, and the limiting beliefs are alive and well in your mind.

So what do we celebrate? Here is a non-comprehensive list to get you started: (Remember that it doesn’t have to be huge.)

I got up, ready, and where I needed to be on time!

I did my best on a project.

I showed up for a friend.

I completed something.

I set a goal and gave it my all.

Someone praised or thanked me for doing a good job.

Someone reminded me that I was special to them.

Instead of saying that these things are “no big deal,” do something nice for yourself, with intention, and celebrate you.

Here are a few ways to celebrate:

Get your favorite beverage from your favorite place. Order a large. Smile as you take your first sip and think of how awesome you are and how awesome it feels to be you.

Pamper yourself with a massage, pedicure, fancy haircut, or spa day. Take a deep breath in say to yourself, “I am worthy of this wonderful experience.”

Order the thing on the menu that you really want, not what sounds “ok” and is likely cheaper than the thing you really want. You put positive energy into the universe when you do this and this will come back to you :) When you take your first bite, savor it and remind yourself that you deserve to get the things you want.

Treat yourself to the bag, pair of shoes, or pair of jeans that make your arse look bootiliscious and ultimately makes you feel like a goddess. Feeling like a goddess leads to acting like a goddess which leads to goddess-like things coming your way.

Get the tattoo, piece of art you’ve been eyeing, or the craft supplies to create what your heart desires. Expressing your creativity is a powerful manifestation tool that opens us up to even more beauty in the world AND its a great way to commemorate a celebratory event.

Do whatever you’ve been thinking about or wanting to do but have been holding off for no good reason. When we sit on something or wait to enjoy life, we give ourselves the unintended message that we aren’t worthy of nice things or what we want. Our lives then begin to reflect this way of thinking and we display the pattern of living small. Living small is just another sign that you don’t think you are worthy of so much more. This can become a vicious cycle that is difficult to get out of.

Celebrate the little things, for the little things lead to the big things and we are all deserving of really amazing things in our life.

So, go right now and celebrate that you just read an article that was focused on your self-care and living your best life. You did it! you invested in your well-being. Go celebrate!


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